Grim Fandango German version
Alexandre Detiste
alexandre.detiste at
Mon Jun 15 09:50:44 UTC 2015
> In addition to that, i found out that my Grim Fandango isn't too
> scratched to be read, it uses a copy protection on disc 1.
> I found a small tool online to get the files from the CD, named labcopy:
"wunderbareweltdesschwachsinns": what's this, a new "Welle: Erdball" song ? ;-)
Here's the source:
residualvm-tools is not yet packaged in Debian, but that's a bit
of chicken-and-egg problem: "why package it if nothings use it".
If this tool can be used my GDP to automate installation,
it should well be packaged.
scummvm-tools is not packaged either, but I've tried out GetDeb's version.
Most tools are pretty simple, so the risk of ABI breakage are pretty low
("#include <cstdio> ... <cstdlib> ... <cstring> ... common/endian.h")
but this could be packaged in Debian too if we find
those usefull for game installation:
> But the copy i own seems to be a german pre-patched one, as it contains
> a data005.lab and has some different md5sums that are not supported by
> ResidualVM:
> WARNING: 'vox0003.lab' may be corrupted. MD5:
> '5bda9a36181c1fea368491b842c11efe'!
> WARNING: 'vox0000.lab' may be corrupted. MD5:
> 'e884221099ba62dacf04a35be8428419'!
> WARNING: 'movie03.lab' may be corrupted. MD5:
> 'd2aae2e27616f78016a71818e528acda'!
> WARNING: 'data003.lab' may be corrupted. MD5:
> '53dc8d93167b262c55b30e7a645c3205'!
> WARNING: 'local.lab' may be corrupted. MD5:
> '27c961c16f9eaf0260781883150e5611'!
Residualvm is still pretty new, better get in contact with upstream about this.
> The first run seems to be ok, though. I'll try a playthrough with these
> files, if the game works as it should, i'll first send a patch to the
> ResidualVM team and then add the game to G-D-P.
For game-data-packager 'make-template -e' ; a playthrough is sometimes
the solution too to see which files are needed: "I'm not playing, I'm debugging".
> Bye
> Patrick
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