Bug#784952: freespace2: fails to download FS2.bmp

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Mon May 11 05:38:37 UTC 2015

Le lundi 11 mai 2015, 04:35:14 vv221 a écrit :
> Package: game-data-packager
> Version: 41
> Severity: normal
> Part of the building process of the .deb for freespace2 includes the downloading of a FS2.bmp file.
> The script uses a wrong URL, resulting in the following error:
> INFO:game-data-packager:downloading http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/onlyjob/freespace2.git/tree/debian/packages/freespace2-data-gog/debian/FS2.bmp
> WARNING:game-data-packager:found possible FS2.bmp
> but its size does not match:
>   file: /tmp/gdptmp.wpc65w2t/tmp/FS2.bmp
>   expected: 86070 bytes
>   found   : 573138 bytes
> The following URL should allow to download the right FS2.bmp file:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/onlyjob/freespace2.git/plain/debian/packages/freespace2-data-gog/debian/FS2.bmp

CCing' freespace2 at packages.debian.org:

This was an attempt to produce 1:1 replacement for the "freespace2-data-gog"
package that can be generated with the package sources provided by
"freespace2" in  /usr/share/games/freespace2-open/packages/ 
(browsable online at: 
http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/onlyjob/freespace2.git/tree/debian/packages/ )

The extra mods & the retail CD-rom version are not yet supported.

Getting the two Debian-only files from alioth (anonscm.debian.org)
was just a quick way to get things done.

(try_repack_from: /usr/share/games/freespace2-open/packages/freespace2-data-gog/debian/
would work too)

To freespace2 maintainers: can the G-D-P generated packages use symlinks for FS2.bmp and mod.ini,
or do you plan to (re-)move those in the future ?

Could you also consider shipping thoses as
and /usr/share/games/freespace2-open/packages/mod.ini_gog
and replace the files in source packages by symlinks,
to separe the usefull bits from the purely "infrastructure" ones
that are merely a mean to build a .deb ?


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