
Simon McVittie smcv at
Mon Oct 26 07:53:30 UTC 2015

On 26/10/15 06:05, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
> -    gog:
> -      url: toonstruck
> x 4
> --> well GOG doesn't provide the "alternative" English version with 5
different files
>       GDP will try to build toonstruck-alt-en-data & complain that it

I don't think duplicating the metadata to all the packages sold by GOG
scales well. In what way does GDP complain, and can we make it not
complain instead?

> That currently only happens for the .deb provided for Sam & Max
> and .deb support has been deprecated at GOG anyway.

OK. Now that I've implemented it, there's little cost to keeping it, so
we might as well.

> Adding generic .deb & .tar.gz support like generic .zip support is
maybe a nice-to-have.

Yes, if we can do it without duplicating too much code. In particular,
it would be nice to be able to repack a GDP-generated .deb without
actually installing it.

> *)  iter_gog_paths isn't called anywhere

Thanks, fixed.


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