Bug#800118: binary directory problems loading mods
mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 17:43:41 UTC 2015
2015-09-28 1:02 GMT-04:30 Fabian Greffrath <fabian at debian.org>:
> Control: severity -1 minor
> there is a policy regarding bug severities:
> https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities
> This does not even remotely justify for a release-critical severity.
i tag grave due i cannot load as writable mod dir as user, only if
mods are put as a root, and i think there's another policy that talks
abour that
> How do you exactly attempt to load this mod?
as u said:
"/usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/quake2 +set game /path/to/doom2" and my path
are casesentivi under a directory mounted without exec and dev
> So, if you install the mod into the game data directory, it loads? This
> doesn't seem wrong to me, but I guess you want to load it from a user
> -writable directory, right?
yes tha's right
> How did you build an unchanged binary? What is required in the Debian
> packaging to make loading mods from directories outside the hard-coded
> data paths work?
event use wheeze, or recompile to squeeze, i downlading a yquake
source rom github and build, and when use game loads
In any case the newe's version fixeds some minor bugs with mouse
scaling... i also reported a request for new version upstream
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