Bug#799955: RFP: yamagi-xatrix & yamagi-rogue

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Wed Sep 30 07:36:47 UTC 2015

Hi Simon,

Am Dienstag, den 29.09.2015, 19:46 +0100 schrieb Simon McVittie:
> What is "the zaero mod"? Where could an interested developer download
> or
> buy it?

Zaero is an unofficial add-on for Quake 2 that has once been sold on CD
-ROM, but is now available for free (Beer) Download e.g. here:


Let's say it is for Quake 2 what Hacx is for Doom 2.

Another one is Juggernaut, but I am not sure if this is available for

> game-data-packager uses Yamagi's versions of the xatrix and rogue
> code,
> not the original id Software releases. The number of bugs fixed is
> exactly the same as if the same code was uploaded to Debian as
> packages.

Cool thing! I didn't even know this.

Please note that new versions of these engines have been released at
Yamagi's site: the rogue add-on is at 2.02 and the xatrix one at 2.03:


So, please update the package information in g-d-p accordingly. ;)

Thank you ,

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