Bug#817111: Acknowledgement (pcsx2:i386: Not working with MESA, working with FGLRX.)

K.Ohta whatisthis.sowhat at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 11:36:52 UTC 2016

Tags: moreinfo

 I made a small program below and link to -lX11 -lGL at amd64;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glx.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   void *p1;
   void *p2;
   p1 = (void *)glXGetProcAddress("glGetDebugMessageLog");
   p2 = (void *)glXGetProcAddress("glGetDebugMessageLogARB");
   printf("glGetDebugMessageLog: %llx\n", p1);
   printf("glGetDebugMessageLogARB: %llx\n", p2);

   return 0;
and run, results are below:
$ ./test
glGetDebugMessageLog: 7fdc33c023e0
glGetDebugMessageLogARB: 7fdc33c023e0

Now, glGetDebugMessageLogARB had been alias of glGetDebugMessageLog .


But, with i386 (gcc -m32) , these addresses are different.
glGetDebugMessageLog: f7fe8b1df7fd2000
glGetDebugMessageLogARB: f7fe8b1df7fd2010
I wonder this differents, addresses of amd64 are same, i386 are not :-(

Please fix this part to use glGetDebugMessage, not
glGetDebugMessageARB (if will have problem).


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