Bug#847322: flight-of-the-amazon-queen: source package should include complete source

Ben Finney bignose at debian.org
Wed Dec 7 11:13:43 UTC 2016

On 07-Dec-2016, Markus Koschany wrote:

> Please read README.Debian. This game is fully DFSG compliant and
> every piece of source, in this case game assets and media files are
> included in this package.

Thank you for maintaining the package, and for the explanations in

What are the “game assets and media files” for this package? I see
only a single blob (and the read me document), not multiple source

 \       “It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do |
  `\       is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument |
_o__)                        will play itself.” —Johann Sebastian Bach |
Ben Finney <bignose at debian.org>
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