Processed: spring: FTBFS on i386: relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol _ZNSt6vectorIfSaIfEED1Ev cannot be used when making a shared object

Matthias Klose doko at
Thu Dec 8 14:29:06 UTC 2016

Control: severity -1 important

On 07.12.2016 15:00, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> Processing commands for control at
>> clone 846921 -1
> Bug #846921 [src:spring] spring: FTBFS on i386: relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol _ZNSt6vectorIfSaIfEED1Ev cannot be used when making a shared object
> Bug 846921 cloned as bug 847356
>> reassign -1 src:binutils
> Bug #847356 [src:spring] spring: FTBFS on i386: relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol _ZNSt6vectorIfSaIfEED1Ev cannot be used when making a shared object
> Bug reassigned from package 'src:spring' to 'src:binutils'.

> Do you agree with this assessment?

no, it's not a RC issue, you use the BFD linker.

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