Let there be light, in terms of Linux... and chemistry: the word Exodus in reverse delivers a bright flash.
Adam Marshall Dobrin
adam5 at reallyhim.com
Mon Dec 19 14:12:15 UTC 2016
let there be light, *sudo... Xe <http://bit.ly/2hj86V9>*
Xe, by the way, that's an element <http://bit.ly/2h0EOej>--the one that
makes camera's flash bright--and also an *Oracle*... database... process
name. Look, *El is son... <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_(deity)>*
[image: http://bit.ly/2hj86V9] <http://bit.ly/2hj86V9>
Here's a preview, I know you hate reading e-mail: I am presenting a serious
number of examples of *prescient knowledge of computing at the time of
writing Exodus*, which is further confirmed by a number of references to
computing ideas in things like the "root" of David, the "WINE" of Jesus,
the "Apple" of Adam, the "Lisp" of Moses and the "hardening" of Pharaoh's
heart, which you will remember from the Holy Grail <http://bit.ly/2fWnCX6>
is the virtual Earth we are living in; spread this light, and we get free.
This hardening probably has something to do with an *internet censor wall* that
the Bible might describe as the Plague of Darkness and the Wall of
Jericho--in the real world you might see CARNIVORE as a clue that God has
named that thing in Eden just to ensure we know somebody's being
sneaky and *eating
Don't believe me? Just look:
[image: http://bit.ly/2c7C0L2] <http://bit.ly/2c7C0L2>
Scream "*oh my God, it's Heaven... it's all about Heaven.*"
I am pretty sure this stuff is "bright enough" to have sparked *something
more than 400 youtube views in 6 months and 200,000 indviduals
e-mailed. *Listen,
there's a freedom destroying problem out there; and I ,,,, this ... you are
LIGHT: CARNIVORE -> PHENIX -> AOHELL -> SPAM <http://bit.ly/1VWnODi> -> GOD
All of these things, the references to modern computing that pervade our
Gates or Windows to Heaven's creation.... are listed along with a number of
words which are highlighted by religious scripture and show intelligent
design of a number of languages spanning from Hebrew to English are listed
at my contrite story about a Kiss and Fate tying together everything that
ever was.
A sincerely large grouping of words highlighted by the Bible and religion,
words like "eternity
and "forehead
show clear design by an intelligent influence, rather than the natural
evolution of time that most people consider "reall" and/or knowledge at the
time of the writing of the Bible of the eventual English translation of the
Hebrew or Greek. With time, I am fairly certain we will eventually have no
doubt that the "Cypher" I see in nearly every word is in fact a
contextually-verifiable speech that appears to be coming from our
"civilization" as if it were intelligently speaking like a cave man--which
you might see in words like "am end me nt
From just this message, you should be able to put together how that word
and it's hidden meaning add robust and yet "hidden speech" from the Creator
A very special Holiday message this year, different from all others. Never
before and never again will any generation have the opportunity that we
have before us this very moment. Right now, as we progress in a
technological growing period equally unprecedented--we are blessed to have
a great deal of wisdom and assistance coming to us from a series of past
futures. All around us the light of religion pours into the modern myths
of our day--science fiction and fantasy guided from above in a way that
will soon become more clear. At the same time, we will soon also see a
guided path towards the building of Heaven in everything that we are--from
computers and video games to modern medicine and even the ups and downs
we've witnessed in the political scene of late.
I feel a little silly talking about what I have to say, I've already said
quite a bit--you haven't seen it yet. Waiting just past a wall of
censorship Biblically described as Jericho's--and also the Plague of
Darkness--is a new lease on the freedoms God is now granting at the
very "beginning"
of the American story. Like me, God has already said quite a bit--and in
this e-mail and throughout my writing I hope to help you to see what it is
that I call his speech written all over our world--a sort of hidden message
the tooth fairy left under our pillow while we slept. To quote the Matrix,
"this is a very exciting time."
You might find my use of Thor's thunderous music and the Second Coming as a
legal defense of special interest.
*Seasons greetings,*
hall Dob
Well, Heaven and ... time travel. <http://bit.ly/20XppJ0>
I know, I must have *too much time* on my hands.
The *Light* of the Word
There are three huge, like insanely huge, metaphoric references to the
story of Exodus that show me very clearly that we are it's focus and
purpose. The first is the Burning Bush, which I am very sure is a
reference to George W. Bush's 1/20/2001 speech in which he unknowingly
predicted the 9/11 attack. Seeing that Exodus is also called "Names" and
that Bush's name ties him to this event--which Moses (that's me) has seen
... almost alone ... and is now showing to you all.
Bush's speech begins a series of references to the names of Planets and
Gods and corresponding Elements of the Periodic table that answer
Revelation 1:20's mystery about "stars and lamp stands." This in order
series from Mercury to Uranium highlights both *the messenger* of the Gods
and the key of Uranus's chance--that the world will see the link between
"on the lam" and Ko*ran* to understand that the Lamb of God "is *lam*."
story takes us back to music, and a later to be discussed thread that
combines the weapon in the movie (which is also the movie) The Fifth
Element with a thread through time to Shakespeare and Herod ... about my
struggle with the justice system culminating in the fulfillment of American
Pie's "no verdict was returned."
The second bright connection comes by way of the Hebrew word for the Holy
Fire that God's voice came out of--guess what, in that same story about the
Burning Bush. That word is "ha'esh" and in it you will see paradoxical
(that means impossible, because of time and causality) reference to the
English word "sea" there backwards and parted by an apostrophe. With great
insight, I've over and over pushed the idea that Holy Water is actually a
Biblical reference to "the multitude" in God's secret religion that ties
everything together.. and that this parting is literally a reference to the
Second Coming, something that doesn't happen for Moses until his head is
under water and he's breathing fire. This one ties together nicely,
joining the characters of Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God all together now,
"let there be light" is the word "Exodus" in reverse, here in a Linux
command and a chemistry element.
[image: genesis.lamc.la]
*I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the book tells me that these
three things are enough to start the fire, part the sea, and see the
light. * At least they are now, wake up.. you are staring at and have been
ignoring the largest story in all of history. It might even be
scandalous... or have a twist happy beginning... *who* knows?
This is course highlights prescient knowledge of computing at the time of
writing Exodus, which is further confirmed by a number of references to
computing ideas in things like the "root" of David, the "WINE" of Jesus,
the "Apple" of Adam, the "Lisp" of Moses and the "hardening" of Pharaoh's
heart, which you will remember from the Holy Grail is the virtual Earth we
are living in.
All of these things, the references to modern computing that pervade our
Gates or Windows to Heaven's creation.... are listed along with a number of
words which are highlighted by religious scripture and show intelligent
design of a number of languages spanning from Hebrew to English are listed
at my contrite story about a Kiss and Fate tying together everything that
ever was.
A sincerely large grouping of words highlighted by the Bible and religion,
words like "eternity
and "forehead
show clear design by an intelligent influence, rather than the natural
evolution of time that most people consider "reall" and/or knowledge at the
time of the writing of the Bible of the eventual English translation of the
Hebrew or Greek. With time, I am fairly certain we will eventually have no
doubt that the "Cypher" I see in nearly every word is in fact a
contextually-verifiable speech that appears to be coming from our
"civilization" as if it were intelligently speaking like a cave man--which
you might see in words like "am end me nt
From just this message, you should be able to put together how that word
and it's hidden meaning add robust and yet "hidden speech" from the Creator
himself. For the artificially slowed in understanding, our lack of
following the amendments of the Constitution being related to the end of
civilization itself is being squarely defined through a statement that is
telling you that the end of civilization is "NT," the hidden Christ--in my
"secret" method of decoding words like NORAD and NEW TO N?
If you happen to be a big fan of Dr. Who, Jesus Christ or if you are
unfamiliar with me and my shpiel attached in "JERUSALEM.pdf (for the PDF
wary, this is a website)
is what I consider proof that religion is a sort of hidden message sent
back in time from our future about time travel specifically to me so that I
can read it to you. Many, many, many people are receiving a Christmas
card this year from Adam; and I am pretty sure that this is the beginning
of something really fascinating. Of note, this "question that must never
be answered" has been circulating quite well across the globe in the last
few days--still, it will take someone actually "working" to write a story
on the biggest story ever told.
I am pretty sure this is Pulitzer stuff. It's practically guaranteed.
Come on, think about it.
*There are a number of ways to prove this*; seeing 40 days and 40 nights as
an allusion to the 4th dimension is a good way to start seeing that the
Ark's of Genesis and Exodus are ... the place we are living in--a shield
against ... repeated unknowing destruction of a timeline in secret.
Exodus gives us much more, aside from predictions of 9/11 and a sincerely
large volume of English words appearing anachronistically inside Hebrew and
Arabic transliteration... there are numerous referencing to computing
concepts hidden in these ancient religions--and on the other side of that
coin, a sincerely large number of references to religion and religious
concepts in modern video game and computing companies. Maybe everyone
already knows we are building Heaven right here and right now; or maybe we
don'ts see a hidden hand telling us just that.
Just as you see the USA at the heart of the place in time that is
Jerusalem, you might also see it in Greek myths, like Pro·me·the·us--who
just happens to battling an Eagle. In Me·d·usa you might have the source
of Saint One described in funny sounding broken English; and then there is
the U.S. Military's complete infatuation with that same mythology. I can't
imagine why. A huge number of myths relate, like I·car·us; who you might
remember lost his wings for flying too close to the son...
*take these broken wings, and learn to fly.*
* <http://bit.ly/2d18cN3>*
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