Bug#810848: ace-of-penguins: 4 doesn't call the four suits game

Esa Peuha esa.peuha at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 14:27:19 UTC 2016

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org> wrote:
> The affected game is Penguin Spider. According to the help menu it
> should be possible to choose a four suits or two suits game by pressing
> the buttons 4 or 2. But pressing 4 or 2 in version 1.5~rc1 reshuffles
> the cards presenting a new one suite game. For me this looks like a bug
> or an intentional change but then the help menu is out-of-sync. What do
> you think?

This is definitely a bug. Pressing 1, 2 or 4 sets the variable
suit_mask and calls start_again() but currently suit_mask is only
used in init() which is only called once; IOW this is a case of
manual over-optimization. I will fix this in CVS as soon as I have
time to work on it (hopefully tomorrow).

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