Bug#829035: game-data-packager: postinstall fails with "aa-enabled: not found"
Alexandre Detiste
alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 05:44:29 UTC 2016
control: severity -1 minor
This bug is the same one as 828795.
As this bug (in dh_apparmor) has now already been fixed;
a simple re-build of G-D-P should be enough.
By the way, this warning message in postinst is harmless.
Le mercredi 29 juin 2016, 14:42:54 nkiesel a écrit :
> Package: game-data-packager
> Version: 45
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> postint fails because I do not have apparmor installed, and thus do not have
> the aa-enabled program.
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