Bug#817972: The "symbols" data file isn't included

Torbjörn Andersson eriknospam at telia.com
Sat Mar 12 08:32:55 UTC 2016

Package: nethack-common
Version: 3.6.0-1
Severity: minor

One of the changes in 3.6.0 was to replace the old "DECgraphics", etc. 
options with new "symset" and "roguesymset" options. This relies on the 
"symbols" file (in the "dat" directory of the upstreams source code), 
which unfortunately doesn't seem to be included in the Debian packages.

When trying to use the "symset" and "roguesymset" options, the game 
should present a menu of available symbol sets, but instead prints 
"Unable to access "symbols" file."

I don't know if this should be in the nethack-common package, or if it's 
only relevant to nethack-console.


Torbjörn Andersson

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