Bug#818524: Freeorion 0.4.5-1+b1 lag and freeze

mario_luppi at tiscali.it mario_luppi at tiscali.it
Thu Mar 17 18:47:31 UTC 2016

Package: freeorion
Version: 0.4.5-1+b1

  Good evening.
On my system i have noticed from the safe-upgrade of the 9 of March
what i wrote in the subject.
In particular:
20 Sec. to create a game with 10 Galaxy.
5 Sec. to add a Technology to research.
7 Sec. to end the turn.
and in all of the above cases the mouse freezes.

Before March 9 also creating a game with 150/170 Galaxies did not
present these delays / freezes.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall deleting the ~./freeorion dir
but nothing changed.
I understand that it sounds fairly generic.
Here are some additional data:

ii FreeOrion 0.4.5-1 + b1 amd64
ii FreeOrion-data 0.4.5-1 all

4.3.0-1-amd64 # 1 SMP Debian 4.3.5-1 (06/02/2016) x86_64 GNU / Linux

I use Debian Testing on a i5-750 @ 2.67GHz with 16GB of RAM and video
card GeForce GTX 550 Ti.
Thanks in advance.


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