Bug#824158: allegro5: liballegro5-dev unnecessarily conflicts with liballegro4-dev

Julian Smythe sausage at tehsausage.com
Fri May 13 00:15:41 UTC 2016

Source: allegro5
Severity: normal


The liballegro5-dev package conflicts with liballegro4-dev, which as far as
we can tell is not needed. The packages do not have any files of the same
name, and the upstream developers have the intention of keeping the two
libraries separately namespaced and not conflicting.

The closest thing to a conflict is Allegro 4 providing liballeg.so, and
Allegro 5 providing the similarly names liballegro.so. All other files
are clearly separate (e.g. /usr/include/allegro/ vs /usr/include/allegro5/).

It would be great if the conflict could be removed to allow developers to
work on both Allegro 4 and Allegro 5 projects on the same system.

I've made a mirror report on allegro4.4 as the conflict is specified both ways.

Julian Smythe

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