Bug#859318: pyracerz: Games crashes with Permission denied when writing highscores

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun Apr 2 16:26:29 UTC 2017

Am 02.04.2017 um 17:52 schrieb James Cowgill:
> Hi,
> On 02/04/17 14:38, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Am 02.04.2017 um 09:33 schrieb Andrej Mernik:
>>> Package: pyracerz
>>> Version: 0.2-8
>>> Severity: normal
>>> Dear Maintainer,
>>> the game crashes when it tries to write the highscore file:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "/usr/games/pyracerz", line 280, in <module>
>>>     if __name__ == '__main__': main()
>>>   File "/usr/games/pyracerz", line 251, in main
>>>     challenge.Challenge(thePlayer)
>>>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/challenge.py", line 65, in __init__
>>>     chrono = chalRace.play()
>>>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/game.py", line 550, in play
>>>     self.computeScores(currentTrack)
>>>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/game.py", line 613, in computeScores
>>>     if misc.addHiScore(track, play) == 1:
>>>   File "/usr/share/games/pyracerz/modules/misc.py", line 185, in addHiScore
>>>     fwrite = file("/var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf", "w+")
>>> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf'
>>> $ ls -al /var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root games 1208 apr  2 08:48 /var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf
>> Your user must be a member of group "games". I think the error handling
>> can be improved but otherwise this works as intended.
> No. The "games" group is for allowing high scores to be stored in
> /var/games.

That's exactly the point here. He can't write the highscore to
/var/games/pyracerz/pyracerz.conf because he does not have write access
to it. In order to write to this file you must be a member of group
games. Works fine for me.


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