Bug#870725: CVE-2017-11721: read buffer overflow in MSG_ReadBits

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sat Aug 5 10:47:23 UTC 2017

Control: retitle -1 CVE-2017-11721: read buffer overflow in MSG_ReadBits
Control: tags -1 + upstream fixed-upstream patch
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/d2b1d124d4055c2fcbe5126863487c52fd58cca1

On Fri, 04 Aug 2017 at 16:30:46 +0200, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> Please see https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-11721

I have fixed this in unstable with a newer upstream snapshot. I suspect
that the bug is also present in all older suites, but I have not had
time to research that. Any suite where the upstream commit cherry-picks
successfully is probably vulnerable.

I am travelling (to Debconf) and finishing writing a talk, so I will
be unable to address this in older suites for now. If someone from the
security or games team wants to prepare and upload a backport of the
commit referenced by MITRE, please go ahead. From the commit message
and a quick read through the code, my understanding is that only the
MSG_ReadBits side is security-sensitive, with the MSG_WriteBits side
being merely for correctness (the buffer overflow check is too
pessimistic and will sometimes report an overflow when there are in
fact a few bytes left); but I could be wrong, and taking the entire
commit is probably the safer option.

The debian/stretch and debian/jessie branches in
https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-games/ioquake3.git should be up to
date, and that git repository also contains the upstream commit

Otherwise, I'll come back to this after I've given my my talk at Debconf,
assuming I can recruit someone running stable to smoke-test the new


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