Bug#872989: galternatives: please port to Python3

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 12:34:12 UTC 2017

Thank you,

On my side, I will have a look a this other python3-gi project I'm working on:

The tooltip "Default can be changed with "update-alternatives --config doom"
is not much user friendly, I would rather import some galternatives functions,
if this tool is already installed; this would require some API
stability promise on your side :-)

Another option is adding support for command line arguments to galternatives;
where "galternative <alternative>" opens up a screen that let use configure
this one alternative.


2017-08-23 14:19 GMT+02:00 Boyuan Yang <073plan at gmail.com>:
> > can you consider also port it to Python3 ?
> Sure. Current python scripts are supposed to be 2/3 compatible. We intend to
> do some testing before pushing a python3 version into unstable in near future.

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