RE: Case Number: 8752174793

Debian testing watch james410 at
Fri Dec 15 15:15:32 UTC 2017

Internet  Crime Investigation Center/Cyber  Division
FBI - Minneapolis Ste. 2238
144 Washington  Avenue,  East
MN 55627
Telephone: (888) 348-1766
Fax: (888) 348-1766

November 15, 2017

Case  Number: 8748174116

The IP address registered on  your name was referred to our  Internet Crime Complaint Center  (IC3)  several times  as being a possible  victim of  cyber crime.
Through investigation conducted by our Minneapolis Cyber Division of the FBI your  IP address was used to commit  multiple computer  fraud and abuse crimes. This investigation covers the time period from August 8, 2017 to the  present date.
We   appreciate your immediate  assistance . Please contact our authorities  urgently with all of the information  concerning  this case, at telephone number provided above.

Best Regards, Daniel Harris
Internet Crime  Investigation Center/Cyber  Division
Minneapolis Suite 1386
124 Washington Avenue, West
MinneapolisMN  55439
Phone: (888) 348-1766
Fax: (888) 348-1766

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