Bug#850479: steam: deletion of incompatible libraries from Steam Runtime not working correctly

João Matos joaovrsa at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 00:10:53 UTC 2017

Package: steam
Source: steam
Tags: patch
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

In: https://sources.debian.net/src/steam/

Where it reads:
find $runtime -name libxcb.so\* \
            -o -name libgcc_s.so\* \
            -o -name libstdc++.so\* \
            -o -name libgpg-error.so\* \

It should probably read this, instead:
find $runtime \( -name libxcb.so\* \
               -o -name libgcc_s.so\* \
               -o -name libstdc++.so\* \
               -o -name libgpg-error.so\* \
               \) -delete

Otherwise, find will only delete the libgpg-error files.

Thank you for your attention and sorry for any breach of etiquette on my 
part; I'm not too familiar with Debian's BTS.

João Matos

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