Bug#850427: chocolate-doom menu entries may do nothing

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 15:53:35 UTC 2017


>In the current quake_48 package, e.g. the quake-dissolution.desktop file
>contains the following lines
>We could implement the same for Choco, but then we would have to rely on
>the users using g-d-p to package their WAD files.

These .sh are generated for backward compatibility purpose;
a simply simlink back to /usr/games/chocolate-<engine>
is even better.

See Simon's comment:

> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-games/game-data-packager.git/tree/game_data_packager/games/quake.py#n26
>class QuakeTask(PackagingTask):
>    """With hindsight, it would have been better to make the TryExec
>in quake point to a symlink to the quake executable, or something;
>but with a name like hipnotic-tryexec.sh it would seem silly for it
>not to be a shell script.

Alexandre Detiste

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