Bug#851140: Acknowledgement (FTBFS? clcean target fails with autoconfig foo)

Jonathan Dowland jmtd at debian.org
Mon Jan 16 12:45:53 UTC 2017

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 04:37:06PM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Well, the package has built fine on all buildds, so I assume there is
> nothing wrong with the package itself.

Yeah, I figure I must be doing something wrong, but just surprised.
This was the same clone that I used for the last stuff I was doing,
so it's not a clean checkout, as such, although "git status" is

I've noticed (outside of Debian, when hacking on chocolate) that
sometimes the auto* scripts (configure or the Makefile) decide that
autoreconf (or similar) needs to be re-run. I haven't seen that with
other projects, and I wonder if that's something to do with this.

> Have you tried building without the "-j8" parameter?

No difference.

> What happens if you run "autoreconf -fiv" manually?

Well that geneartes the missing files so things work, but
"debian/rules clean" does not invoke dh-autoreconf (thus
autoreconf), which I think is why things are broken for me.

> And then "./configure && make distclean"?

Both are fine -- neither remove autotools/config.{sub,guess}.

"gbp..." fails afterwards, though, due to changes to source, which
are the various autofoo-generated things (Makefile.in etc.)

I find that gitignore of autoconf autogenerated files doesn't play nice
with package building :(

Let me try from a totally clean checkout.
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