Bug#850427: Suggestions (inoperative desktop files)

Jonathan Dowland jmtd at debian.org
Tue Jan 24 17:22:53 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 11:47:42AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Hm, do you realize how much hazzle that is for such a little improvement?
> It is literally asking for bugs...
> No offense intended, I don't want to bash your effort at all!

No offense taken. It's a PoC, and if it looks too risky, we just try
something else. My next plan for the PoC was to write some unit tests
for it with something like shunit2 to try and increase confidence.

> But isn't there a little window showing up and explaining that an IWAD
> file is missing if you click the desktop entries? Maybe we could improve
> that message with a Debian patch to point people to game-data-packager
> (like we did e.g. in the rott package).
> Or doesn't it show anything? I think it needs zenity for this, maybe we
> should promote it to a Recommends or even Depends?

Perhaps, at least for the freeze deadline, this is a better approach. I
couldn't remember which package we did this for, maybe it was rott; and zenity
sounds familiar. Perhaps I should switch focus to a PoC of this approach.
(P.S.: it occurred to me whilst doing this that we could put hacx in non-free
post-freeze, and possibly chex too)

Jonathan Dowland
Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.
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