Bug#721834: morris: L10n of morris desktop file

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Wed Jul 19 13:20:27 UTC 2017

Control: tags -1 pending

On Wed, 4 Sep 2013 14:59:21 +0200 Ronny Standtke
<ronny.standtke at fhnw.ch> wrote:
> Package: morris
> Version: 0.2-1~bpo70+1
> Severity: minor
> The morris desktop file contains a translated Name entry. Application
> names are not supposed to be translated but the GenericName and Comment
> entries. The attached patch fixes this issue and adds a German L10n for
> the GenericName.


thanks for reporting. Your statement above is not correct though. You
are allowed to translate Name entries in desktop files but if you
translate the GenericName key you must also provide a non-localized key.
A GenericName would be something like board game but I don't think we
really need it in this case. I will go with the Name key and the
localized versions which makes perfectly sense to me.



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