Bug#822436: nestopia closes when launching roms

Stephen Kitt skitt at debian.org
Thu Jul 20 20:50:31 UTC 2017

Hi Aaron,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:05:56 -0400, Aaron Valdes <aaron78valdes at gmail.com>
> I get something similar.

Given the lack of details in the original bug, it’s impossible to determine
whether yours is the same or not. However ...

> daylan at RogueOne:~/Games/Nestopia$ nestopia 
> 0 joystick(s) found:
> Could not create glcontext: Could not create GL context: GLXBadFBConfig
> OpenGL: (null)
> Database: 2901 items imported from internal DB
> /home/daylan/.nestopia/disksys.rom not found, Disk System games will not
> work. Ines: warning, unknown or invalid header data!
> Ines: 128k PRG-ROM set
> Ines: 128k CHR-ROM set
> Ines: 840k W-RAM set
> Ines: vertical mirroring set
> Ines: NTSC set
> Ines: mapper 1 set
> Board: SKROM
> Board: 128k PRG-ROM
> Board: 128k CHR-ROM
> Board: 8k auto W-RAM
> Board: MMC rev. B2
> Region: NTSC
> nestopia: Couldn't find current GLX or EGL context.

This indicates that you don’t have OpenGL available; Nestopia needs OpenGL to


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