Bug#856728: opentyrian: When run via menu the game silently exits if data is missing

Andrej Mernik andrejm at ubuntu.si
Sat Mar 4 21:00:09 UTC 2017


> I had a patch for this that was proposed upstream,
> then I completely forgot about it:
> https://bitbucket.org/opentyrian/opentyrian/pull-requests/6/display-dialog-b
> ox-if-files-are-missing/diff
> This could be reworked & simplified for Debian only.

That would be great. Currently people might think the game keeps crashing and 
remove it without playing.

> No, doing this in postinst script is dangerous (run as root,
> files doesn't get registered as owned by opentyrian in dpkg database...)
> we have a generic anwser to this generic problem and it's called
> game-data-packager.

I was actually thinking more  that the post installer would run game-data-
packager if the user clicks yes.

Best Regards,
Andrej Mernik

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