Bug#895199: /usr/games/antigrav: crash in start with segfault

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Mon Apr 16 18:47:26 BST 2018


Am 16.04.2018 um 19:40 schrieb Ilari Halminen:
> If the games are unsupported now, then it is OK for me just forgetting
> the bug.
> Just wondering if it was working before? Latest changes according
> changelog.Debian.gz
>  are made in unstable. And there is no other changelog.
> By the way, did you really tested in computer similar mine, not in a new
> and shiny one?

Please keep the bug report in CC. I only know that the latest version
works and I didn't bother to investigate this issue on Jessie because
games will be unsupported there very soon. Though if you can reproduce
the segfault in Stretch or Sid we can take a closer look.


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