Last Places Available! Dance Grand Prix 2018-Italy from 18 - 22 June 2018. Registration details for Dance Schools&Groups! Any Division and Any Level Welcome!
Dance Grand Prix Italy-2018
dancerope at
Fri Apr 20 06:00:51 BST 2018
Dear Dance Director!
Choreography Competition from 18 to 22 June 2018, the largest Dance Competition in Europe
for Dance Schools and Groups from all over the World.
ONLY A LITTLE FEE TO PARTICIPATE! order to be the protagonist of a great DANCETOURNÉE!
all webinfo on: <barcelonadance(dot)org/italy.html>
* The (dot) should be replaced with the symbol .
To find out how to qualifye, mail the office: space is limited, so Dance Directors should act right away.
barcelonadanza2018 at gmail(dot)com
Warm regards
Please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested
and to share our proposals with your networks
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