Dance GrandPrix Italy 2018, in SummerTime from 18 June to 22 June! for Dance Schools and Groups from all over the World. To find out how to qualifye, mail the office: space is limited, so Dance Directors should act right away.

Dance GrandPrix Italy 2018 dancingspain at
Fri Apr 27 12:59:48 BST 2018

DanceGrand Prix Italy 2018, in SummerTime from 18 June to 22 June, the largest Dance Competition in
Europe for  Dance Schools and Groups from all over the World.

4 days of Dance, Ballet, Contemporary, Modern, Hip Hop and each other kind of dance art, Dance Team
Showcases, Stage & International dance performance competition in the Italian Art Cities Theatres.

all web info on:
* The (dot) should be replaced with the symbol .

ONLY A LITTLE FEE TO PARTICIPATE! order to be the protagonist of a great DANCE TOURNÉE!

To find out how to qualifye, mail the office: space is limited, so Dance Directors should act right away.

If interested, give us your e.mail contact to discuss any questions you may have. 
please send to the organizer emails:     
barcelonadanza2018 at gmail .com

Warm regards

NB* Please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested and to share our proposals with your networks


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