Updating mupen64plus-qt

Boris Pek tehnick at debian.org
Thu Aug 2 16:08:03 BST 2018

Hi Dan,

Use debian-devel-games at l.d.o mailing list for communication with team members.

> There's a new version of mupen64plus-qt (1.12):
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mupen64plus-qt
> This version fixes a fairly critical issue, so I'd like to get it updated in
> the Debian repos.

You may ask Markus (who uploaded last versions of package) if he is going to
update a package this time.

> What steps would I need to take to become an uploader for this package?
> I already maintain cen64-qt which is nearly identical to this
> (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cen64-qt).

General recommendation: just ask current maintainers/uploaders of the package.
In most cases they will be happy from your help with a package.

Best wishes,

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