Bug#857644: widelands: appstream metadata error: missing icon

Matthias Klumpp mak at debian.org
Sat Aug 25 18:46:09 BST 2018

Hey :-)

AppStream maintainer here.
First, if you only want to see issues that affect the validity of the
file (and also how important they are), use "appstreamcli" to
validate, from the "appstream" package (should be preinstalled):

appstreamcli validate yourfile.netainfo.xml

That is what the generator uses internally. To cover all the things,
validating with both validators is a good idea though, appstream-util
tends to make style issues fatally important.

Second, your issue is *way* simpler than you think. You don't need to
make any changes to your metainfo file. Instead, just adapt the
.desktop file. It has this line:

"Icon" is an absolute path, hence the data extractor searches for the
file in the same package and doesn't find it => data gets rejected.
You *do* however ship higher quality icons. So just changing this to:


Will fix this error.

Third: Is there a reson why the content_rating tag is prefixed with
"x-"? It's an official tag now, so you could drop that.


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