Bug#902654: larry6: Add support for SVGA version

Рома Тенцер rtentser at yandex.ru
Mon Jul 2 19:25:04 BST 2018

Both versions works fine (thanks!) except for two issues.

First. The command from a menu item for vga version doesn't works. I'm 
not sure if it's a g-d-p problem — when i use scummvm's gui to find the 
game manually it works fine and the command starts to work.

$ scummvm -p /usr/share/games/larry6 lsl6-cd
scummvm: Unrecognized game target 'lsl6-cd'
Usage: scummvm [OPTIONS]... [GAME]

Try 'scummvm --help' for more options.

And second. A menu items for both versions have the same name. I don't 
think it's good.


>> Your make-template output has 64 files in AUD/, all of which we package, and no HIRES/ or SFX/ directory; so I think GOG have done this already?

GOG uses dosbox to run svga-version.

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