Bug#848165: freeciv-client-qt: crash at exit ...leavegame->quit
Jacob Nevins
jacobn+debian at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Sun Jul 22 11:51:36 BST 2018
Marko Lindqvist wrote (Dec 2016):
> As the crash is in atexit handlers when the program is closed, this
> seems like upstream bug #25364: http://gna.org/bugs/?25364
gna.org has gone away, but the Internet Archive captured the final state
of this ticket, which is that nothing has been done upstream to address
this. We have no ticket for it in our current tracker.
The conversation in Gna indicated that this was some interaction with
distro defaults, rather than a simple upstream bug:
| I prepared 3 patchs, try if any of them works.
| It just crashes at destructor of static QString, no idea why, but I saw
| similar reports when qt was built for wrong arch.
| ML can u check with gcc -v if your gcc has --enable-__cxa_atexit ?
| If no then it must be that issue.
Marko: [gcc -v output, presumably from Debian testing, not including
| "--enable-__cxa_atexit" is required for the G++ compiler to produce
| static destructors that fully comply with the C++ specification.
| So p1.patch might work.
| But its probably some debian bug, all static c++ classes will segfault.
I've attached the 'p1.patch' referred to, rescued from gna.org. I don't
have any record that anyone tried it.
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