Bug#902775: game-data-packager: please add support for GOG's "Jazz Jackrabbit Collection" package

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Sat Nov 17 18:03:05 GMT 2018

Hi Simon et al.,

Am Sonntag, den 04.11.2018, 17:25 +0000 schrieb Simon McVittie:
> Which of the data files in the template you sent does it need, and
> where
> do they go? (An answer in YAML format would be perfect, an answer in words
> would also be fine.)

I think I have chosen a middle ground by taking your near-perfect "wild
guess" of necessary game data files and kicking out what I found was
not crucial to play the game with the openjazz engine. Please find
attached the diff. I am not sure what else to do with the removed
files, though.

All the remaining files (and the MM95/ subdirctory) need to go into the
/usr/share/games/jazz-jackrabbit directory.

> If some of the .DOC files need to accompany the game data, then this will
> need modification. Equally, if some of the game files aren't needed (you
> should be able to tell from the engine source code), they can be dropped.

No, none of the *.DOC files are needed to play the game and the
classification of HH95/VENDOR.DOC and LICENSE.DOC as "licenses" is also

> The "game" in the "gog:" block needs to be set to whatever is listed in
> your `lgogdownloader --list` output, which might be jazz_jackrabbit or
> jazz_jackrabbit_collection or something else entirely. The "url" is

`lgogdownloader --list` lists the game package as

Thank you very much already! Please don't hesitate to ask if you need
more information or help from my side.


 - Fabian

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