Bug#875089: [pianobooster] Future Qt4 removal from Buster

Moritz Mühlenhoff jmm at inutil.org
Wed Aug 21 18:34:45 BST 2019

On Sat, Sep 09, 2017 at 10:18:43PM +0200, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> Source: pianobooster
> In order to make this move, all packages directly or indirectly depending on
> the Qt4 libraries have to either get ported to Qt5 or eventually get
> removed from the Debian repositories.
> Therefore, please take the time and:
> - contact your upstream (if existing) and ask about the state of a Qt5
> port of your application
> - if there are no activities regarding porting, investigate whether there are
> suitable alternatives for your users
> - if there is a Qt5 port that is not yet packaged, consider packaging it
> - if both the Qt4 and the Qt5 versions already coexist in the Debian
> archives, consider removing the Qt4 version

While the original upstream is dead, there appears to be a fork which
supports Qt5: https://github.com/inniyah/pianobooster


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