yquake2_7.40+ctf1.06~dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Mon Feb 11 11:06:28 GMT 2019

> That wasn't me for this particular package, but I've made the equivalent
> change in some other game engines.

I beg to differ:

> Upstream specifically removed the OpenAL normal-linking code path, so
> if we want to use normal linking we'll either have to persuade them
> that distros need this even though upstream binaries don't want it,
> or have it as permanent delta (as it is in darkplaces). I'm not sure
> whether it's worth diverging for this.

So upstream applied your patch (for the 6.00 release, it seems) and now
removed it again. What a mess...

 - Fabian

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