Bug#919835: mgba; AppStream metadata isn't being used because of its license

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Mon Jan 21 10:09:53 GMT 2019

Hello Jeremy,

Am 20.01.19 um 02:45 schrieb Jeremy Bicha:
> Source: mgba
> Version: 0.6.3+dfsg1-2
> X-Debbugs-CC: sergio_br2 at yahoo.com.br
> The AppStream metadata that was added to the Debian package isn't
> being used because its metadata_license isn't on the short list of
> approved licenses.
> I encourage you to consider relicensing your metadata as CC0-1.0. From
> what I can tell, CC0-1.0 is by far the most popular license for
> AppStream metadata.
> The AppStream metadata for libretro-mgba isn't very useful for
> gnome-games-app without the .libretro file. It would be easier for me
> to help with some of these issues if these projects used
> https://salsa.debian.org . Please let me know if you would like my
> help.


I think the easiest way to solve this issue is to join the games team
and make your changes. That would reduce the differences between the
Debian and Ubuntu package and save time for everyone. I also think that
creating a Git repository on salsa.debian.org is fine and actually
should have been done much earlier.


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