Bug#920642: gargoyle-free: Replace /bin/ash shell with /bin/sh

Juan Picca jumapico at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 19:39:28 GMT 2019

Package: gargoyle-free
Version: 2011.1b-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: upstream patch

Dear maintainer,

Currently the ash shell is not widely used and was superseded by dash
shell in debian.
The attached patch replace it with dash shell.

When ash shell be removed of all scripts using it, the ash package may
be removed from debian.
(Only four packges left according codesearch:

Juan Picca.

Note: The patch was upstreamed
-------------- next part --------------
Description: Replace /bin/ash shell with /bin/sh
 Use /bin/sh as the majority of the scripts does.
 Currently the ash shell is not widely used and was superseded by dash
 shell in many linux distributions.
Author: Juan Picca <jumapico at gmail.com>
Forwarded: https://github.com/garglk/garglk/pull/342
Last-Update: 2019-01-23
--- a/terps/nitfol/nitfol
+++ b/terps/nitfol/nitfol
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # This is a shell wrapper that finds an appropriate nitfol in your path
 # and runs it.  Requires 'which' and sh.  (only tested with bash, so YMMV)

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