Bug#941618: torus-trooper: fails to start with "undefined symbol" error

Stephen Kitt skitt at debian.org
Thu Oct 3 14:29:46 BST 2019

Hi Matthias,

Le 02/10/2019 23:37, Cédric Boutillier a écrit :
> I've just installed the game and tried to launch it from the terminal:
> I got the following error message:
> torus-trooper: symbol lookup error: torus-trooper: undefined symbol:
> _D4core4stdc5errno5errnoFNbNdNiNeZ

This is a symbol in libgdruntime.so.76.0.2 which is no longer present in 
libgdruntime.so.76.0.3. It does look like an internal symbol, but 
binaries apparently end up with references to it, so binaries built with 
the GCC 8 version can break with the GCC 9 version...

Should this be fixed in GCC, or by binNMUing?



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