Bug#935669: assaultcube-data ( in enabled autobuilding

Carlos Donizete Froes coringao at riseup.net
Fri Oct 18 17:59:34 BST 2019

Hi Philipp,

> Within the TEXTURES part of the "Other" license there are a few that do
> not actually allow the textures to be shipped. Do we have a reasonable
> assumption that it is actually the "Other" license's cover text that
> applies to them? For instance I'm concerned about these (with no
> expectation of covering them exhaustively):

I understand that, in short, most of these licenses of each author of these
textures were concerned with the commercialization of these textures and the
non-disclosure of the authors. And many of these authors over the years have had
their websites, blogs, and emails disabled.

In the assaultcube-data package is disclosing all authors, contacts and their

What I can do is research and contact these authors of these textures and let us
know more about the license. If you find it necessary.


⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ Carlos Donizete Froes [a.k.a coringao]
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian Wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/coringao
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ GPG: 4096R/B638B780
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀  2157 630B D441 A775 BEFF  D35F FA63 ADA6 B638 B780
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