Bug#956275: runescape: license issue - runscape.png probably undistributable
Ivo De Decker
ivodd at debian.org
Thu Apr 9 10:31:19 BST 2020
package: runescape
severity: serious
Runescape contains this file: src/runescape.png
The copyright file lists this as 'BSD-2-Clause'. What is this based on?
The term and conditions on the website (which are mentioned in
src/runschape.sh, but not in the copyright file), certainly are not BSD. So
the copyright file is wrong. I suspect it doesn't even allow distributing
runescape.png. If you think it does, please clarify why you think so in the
copyright file.
Also, it would be good to clarify (both in the copyright file and in the
package description) that this package only contains a download script that
downloads the game from the website and runs that, but doesn't contain the
actual game.
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