Quarantine server has prevented delivery of 10 messages to pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org

lists.alioth.debian.org pkg-games-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 26 22:19:09 BST 2020

                                            Server Withheld 10 Message
                                            For A Quick Check
                              Over the past 24 hours, we saw a high
                              influx of emails sent to your mailbox, for your
                              protection, quarantine server moved them for
                              proper screening.
                              As part of the ID Protection by lists.alioth.debian.org the
                              messages have been screened and can now be
                              released into your inbox.
                              Sign in to the quarantine portal to release
                              pending messages so as not to miss out on
                              important messages. Upon successful login trapped
                              messaged would resume delivery from server.
                                Mail Portal 
                              Webmail Quarantine Center
                                      2020 Webmail service. All Rights Reserved.

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