Bug#992170: Works for me

David W. Kennedy dave_k at reasoned.us
Fri Aug 20 03:38:24 BST 2021

Works for me. Logs demonstrating download, extraction and examination of 
the current bullseye version of 0ad-data are attached. Here is an 

$ ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/0ad-data_0.0.23.1-1.1_all.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 701833824 Jan  1  2021 
$ md5sum /var/cache/apt/archives/0ad-data_0.0.23.1-1.1_all.deb
$ apt-cache show 0ad-data/bullseye | grep MD5sum
MD5sum: b2b6e5510898abf0eee79da48995f92f

According to your first message, the MD5sum of your copy is 
"2688ba115bc50916975827a9f57052bd". There is an MD5 mismatch on the copy 
of 0ad-data_0.0.23.1-1.1_all.deb that you have obtained. This can be 
caused by hardware or software malfunction or incompatibility on your 
computer. It could also be caused by data corruption or tampering on the 
mirror from which you obtained the file.

Try downloading the file from a different Debian mirror. Also test 
downloading and installing 0ad-data version 0.0.23 on a different 

Please check the system that has the MD5sum mismatch for bad RAM (run 
memtest86+), a failing hard drive (use smartmontools/smartctl) or other 
hardware problems.

I once had a problem with single-bit errors in files stored on an old 
computer. I later discovered that the there were distended (bulging and 
failed) capacitors in the power supply and motherboard. If you want to 
know what failing capacitors look like, go to https://badcaps.net/ and 
click "How to Identify" at the left. Note that capacitors might fail 
without visible signs.

Another time that I observed apparent data corruption was during testing 
of new RAM. Kernel compilation failed intermittently with segfaults. 
This turned out to be caused by a bug in the Linux kernel.

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