Bug#983387: megaglest FTCBFS: check_cxx_source_runs

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Tue Feb 23 10:48:38 GMT 2021

Source: megaglest
Version: 3.13.0-6
Tags: patch upstream
User: debian-cross at lists.debian.org
Usertags: ftcbfs

megaglest fails to cross build from source, because it uses
check_cxx_source_runs. In many cases, the relevant program
unconditionally returns 0. Thus the check can simply be replaced with
check_cxx_source_compiles, which works for cross compilation. The one
exception here is the check for libircclient. Please consider applying
the attached patch, which fixes all others, and close this bug when
doing so even though megaglest will not become cross buildable this


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