Bug#980922: debian-games: please move to the new name udd-mirror.debian.net

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun Jan 24 12:47:22 GMT 2021

Control: severity -1 normal


Am Sonntag, den 24.01.2021, 13:22 +0100 schrieb Mattia Rizzolo:
> As announced in https://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2020/11/msg00011.html
> we don't plan to remove public-udd-mirror.xvm.mit within less than a
> year.
> I'm filing this bug as RC, as I wouldn't want this package to break
> during the course of bullseye if it's released as it is and then the old
> hostname gets retired.  If you consider that script unimportant then
> feel free to downgrate the severity.

The script is only used manually when I update the package. Nothing will break
if the old mirror goes offline. I intend to fix this with the next update of



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