bzflag improve
Mathias Lambeau
mathias.lambeau at
Wed Jan 27 21:58:42 GMT 2021
I use debian since 2001, and play bzflag since 2006.
Bzflag is an excellent games. These shoots with ricochet are very addictive.
But i meet two major problems with debian package, that limit the
experience :
- The default player configuration is bad. Player must have a bigger Radar
to survive. So it needs to add important options :
set linedradarshots 80
set leadingShotLine 1
Every player use it. It s not my personnal trick.
- bzflag server, bzfs, plugins are unloadable. It an important part of the
gameplay. So i have to compile bzfs and its plugins by myself.
If you don t hope you understand my poor english, try french .
Ask me if you need help on this package.
Best regards,
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