Bug#862973: videos are too big for the archive

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Tue Nov 23 00:19:47 GMT 2021


The "standard" quality videos are 500MB for English and another 500MB for 
German.  I don't think the benefit of this justifies the archive and mirror 

What would make sense is an installer script.  This could be a small package 
that downloads the files in the postinst and deletes them in the postrm.  It 
could also be a script in the main warzone2100 package that allows the user to 
easily install the file in their home directory while giving the options for 
quality and language.

I don't plan to write this, I don't think this is an important issue and as 
far as I am aware warzone2100 is ready for Bookworm right now.

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