Bug#996746: Outdated lua dependency
Marko Lindqvist
cazfi74 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 05:02:00 BST 2021
Package: freeciv
Version: 2.6.5-1
Noticed on https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/freeciv a warning that
freeciv depends on two packages which would need a new maintainer. One
of these is liblua5.2-dev. That should be easy to fix by updating the
dependencies, as freeciv-2.6 uses lua-5.3, not lua-5.2. As you don't
have lua-5.3 in dependencies, it might be that no debian packaged lua
gets used at all, but it instead falls back to compiling it from an
included copy.
On a related note I suspect that the other listed package, gnulib, is
not needed as a dependency either. Freeciv distribution should contain
all the required .m4 files, and I think you use those anyway (newer
serial). I could see the point of using .m4 files from the gnulib
package instead, but as things currently stand the abandoned package
has more outdated versions than freeciv distribution.
- ML
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