uncoordinated box2d transition (was: Re: Accepted box2d 2.4.1-2 (source) into unstable)

Rene Engelhard rene at debian.org
Sun Sep 5 14:05:12 BST 2021


Am 05.09.21 um 14:55 schrieb Markus Koschany:
> Besides that, there is grep-dctrl and
>> https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-box2d.html showing
>> libreoffice is a r-dep needing to  be rebuilt. Since months.
> I'm dropping the release-team because that is no longer relevant for them.
I disagree, but let's keep it this way.
> I have never received an email from you regarding box2d before today.

That's not any r-dependency maintainers job to do.

One doesn't need to mail a library maintainer that the application now
uses that library...

> That libreoffice would be a reverse-dependency of box2d was never on my radar.
> When I uploaded 2.4.1 to experimental caveexpress was the only rdep. No harm
> done as long as 2.4.1 works for all of us.

It's the library maintainers job to check the affected packages.

And that only was three clicks away on release.d.o since months, as I said.



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