Bug#949404: debdiff for kanatest 0.4.8-5

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Wed Aug 24 14:22:56 BST 2022


Am Mittwoch, dem 24.08.2022 um 13:02 +1000 schrieb Hugh McMaster:
> Dear Maintainer,
> I've prepared a new version of kanatest (versioned as 0.4.8-5) for
> Team Upload. A debdiff of all changes is attached.
> I have not been able to submit a MR on Salsa or update the Vcs-*
> fields in d/control, as kanatest is not in your team repository.
> I have also avoided removing Sam Hocevar from the Uploaders list [1],
> as that is a matter for the team.
> Please consider importing the debdiff and making a new upload.

Thanks for your contribution! I have just uploaded the new revision. I also
removed Sam from Uploaders because he is no longer active, so that makes sense.
I also created a new Git repository for kanatest located at




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