Bug#944264: Alien Arena 7.71.2

Raoul de Raadt raoulderaadt at tiscali.nl
Fri Nov 11 21:20:30 GMT 2022


I have some info if you are going to try to compile Alien Arena to 
include the latest release in Debian/Ubuntu.
There is an issue with newer GCC versions: 10.4 and higher. You might 
get a lot of build errors with duplicate definitions. In that case you 
need to set a compiler flag because they changed the default.
Then run ./configure like this:

CFLAGS="-O2 -g -fcommon" ./configure

After that you can just run

sudo make -j<number of threads>


sudo make install

I hope one of you can find the time soon to include the new release 
because the old one that is currently in the Debian and Ubuntu 
repository is outdated, and is an obsolete and basically single-player 
version of this fun game.

If you need me you can contact me on Discord: https://discord.gg/Rd5fwBg

Or on Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#alienarena:matrix.org

Kind regards,

Jar-El / Raoul de Raadt

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